vāstu śāstra - Science of Architecture

The whole universe is made of five elements and the elements have a way of settling under universal principle whether it is an atom or a galaxy. As depicted in the above diagram, water element naturally gravitates towards NE, fire towards SE, earth to SW and air to NW. Space element is a sheer absence of other four elements and is the most mysteriously obscure amongst the five elements.

When you cut a magnet, it becomes another holistic magnet. Similarly, when a piece of land is separated by natural or man-made boundaries, this piece of land acts as a separate entity with energies realigning within. The whole concepts of vāstu śāstra (Science of Architecture) is based on this fact.

Hence, in the countries with longer established civilization, like India, China and Greece each lot has a prominent brick or rock fence and within the boundaries, special care is taken to ensure the elements are settled, stable and at ease. Even the sacred places, that are build under the principles of Āgama śāstra, shares the same basic principle.

Living Being influenced by the forces of nature 

Apart from the settlement of the elements, these lots or the buildings are constantly polished with beneficial energies and also affected by the malefic energies. The magnetic energies of the north and the solar energies of the east (ultraviolet rays) exert positive, life-supportive influences, while the south (infrared rays) and the west (gamma rays) exert influences that are not life-supporting. Hence in established civilizations, buildings were designed to receive the abundant, life-enhancing energies from the north and east, while shielding their inhabitants from the gamma and infrared rays of the west and south. The positive energies from north and east should flow around the structure without obstruction and collected in the southwest area of the building, where they support the health and well-being of the inhabitants.

Four important corners and their significance:

North East (Water): This corner needs to be open, unobstructed, least heavy in the whole lot. Hence it is beneficial to have a street emerging in this corner, not having tall trees and digging the ground for well, pool, etc. The common side-effects of not adhering to these principles is that, it draws the water element from the bodies of the inhabitants. As as result, they will suffer lack of attention, unable to recall from memory faster, won't be able to accumulate knowledge easily. If you try not drinking water for a day, you'll realize all these symptoms experientially.

Since humans are made of 72% water, this corner is given most significance in vāstu śāstra. Hence, inside a lot, have more vacant space in this corner and inside a building ensure this is the mostly vacant room, like a living room.

South East (Fire): This corner demands heat. It is ideal to have a fire pit, centralized heaters, geysers, stoves, etc. Hence it is also ideal for kitchen, if it is being used often. In the whole lot, this corner needs to be relatively hotter. Or else, it'll start pulling the heat from its occupants. Once your body heat is obstructed, it immediately impacts the digestion and triggers a domino effect on the health of the inhabitants. Simple things like keeping this corner red and lighting an ever-lasting lamp will fulfill the needs of this SE corner.

South West (Earth): SW corner needs to be heaviest and well blocked in the whole lot or the building. The earth dug out of NE to make that lighter, can be dumped here to make SW heavier. The earth element in our bodies gives the stability and resistance to environmental changes. If this corner, by any means is not fulfilled with its demand for earth, it starts pulling the earth element from the occupants. This makes the occupants undergo huge swings from weight, wealth, moods to relationships.

Earth being second most largest ingredient in humans, this is an important corner next to NE. To quench its needs for earth, SW is apt for heavy and obstructing, like tall and thick foliage trees, gym, taller walls, rock dumps, etc. A hill on SW is a natural boon. When you take USA as a lot, SW beaches are the most rockiest with natural hilly landscape.

North West (Air): Air element gravitates towards this corner. Making this a perfect corner for septic and restrooms. When the air demand of NW is not met, the occupants contribute their air and it impacts their psyche. Air is the insulation between the neurons in the brain. When this insulation is impacted, possible short-circuits results in unexpected psychological outcome.

Other Four directions and their significance:

Every individual is equipped with different levels of attributes like courage, righteousness, intelligence, etc. Their astrological birth charts are the indicators of those. Their dwellings will often be in alignment with it. The influence of the dwelling units on such attributes cannot exceed the max and cannot go below the minimum allocated to the individual. vāstu śāstra thrives to provide the max possible so as the inhabitant gets the most out of their life.

North (Air and Water): Good psyche and knowledge results in good Intelligence. Hence this region is responsible for the intelligence of occupants.

East (Water and Fire): Sun raises at east. Solar energy is absolutely essential for any form of life on earth. Where it is available automatically, it is taken for granted. Apart from this, there are other influences sun exerts on humans. To name few, the level of confidence and righteousness are dictated by sun.

South (Fire and Earth): This region dictates the courage and initiative of the occupants. When you see a normally courageous person move into a new home and acts cowardice, you can confidently say that the south end of the home does not comply with vāstu śāstra.

West (Earth and Air): A stable west with earth in south and air in north denotes greater levels of patience and discipline in the occupants.

These is the foundation on which the whole vāstu śāstra is built on and by no means what i've mentioned consolidates the depth of vāstu śāstra. This is a deep science that has been fading away from practice due to several fraudulent individuals trying to profit from the misery of unsuspecting victims. Understanding the basic science behind it and ensuring these general principles are met in you dwelling place, weather it be home or work place or a temple is ample enough to get the most out of this life.

More you learn about it, more you can hone your knowledge, but beware, all these anicient śāstras are bottomless abyss. If you embark on a journey to find the bottom, you'll be absolutely lost and become an annoyance to the people around you. So always keep a checkpoint on when and where to stop the research, implement and move on.

Yoga: 10. Siddhis (Psychic Abilities)

“janma auṣadhi mantra tapaḥ samādhijāḥ siddhayaḥ" - Patanjali
Siddhis may be attained by birth, the use of herbs, incantations, austerities or samadhi

Siddhis are what is commonly considered superhuman psychic abilities. Stories and myths of such abilities are prevalent in all civilizations, irrespective of the geographical limits. "Siddha(r)" is an indian term that refers to the mystics, ancient scientists, meditators, alchemists who transcended the bounds of physical realms and are not susceptible to the laws of nature. These siddhas in their journey have crossed the stages of wisdom, enlightenment, attainment of all the 64 siddhis and reach the state of "siddhahood". Amongst all the 64 siddhis, eight of them are classified as the greatest. They are;

Attama (Ashta Maha) Siddhis - Eight greatest psychic abilities bestowed upon the very best, the crown of the crop yogis.
1.) Aṇimā: reducing one's own self to the size of Kalapa (atomic size)
2.) Mahima: expanding one's own self to an infinitely large size as universe
3.) Karima: becoming infinitely heavy
4.) Lehima: becoming almost weightless
5.) Prāpti (Vyapiyam): having unrestricted access to anywhere in the universe
6.) Prākāmya (para-kaya-pravesam): Taking over other bodies and consciousness
7.) Iṣṭva (Eesathuvam): possessing absolute lordship and providing to anyone in need
8.) Vaśtva (Vasiam): the power to subjugate all, controlling other beings

Every single super-natural phenomemon ever heard of, culminates into one of these 8 siddhis. Only those who attained these attma siddhis can be term'd as Siddhas. They are never self-proclaimed, but the already recognized siddha attest them. We can safely say, 99% of the human population have never met and will never meet (in this lifetime) any of these siddhas.

Apart from the aforementioned attama-siddhis, there are Atta-karma Siddhis, which are attained on the journey by the sadhakas (practitioners). They are;

Attakarma (Ashta Karma) Siddhis - Eight Siddhis that can inflict strong karmas upon self when exercised. So these are to be never exercised unless the necessity is dispassionately justified and only upon guru's grant to do so.
1.) sthambanam - freeze the target until released
2.) vasiyam - control someone to ones own desire
3.) mohanam - inflicting infatuation on someone towards self or anyone
4.) vithvedanam - inflicting quarrel and separating two people
5.) aakrusanam - taming others. This is often used on animals, the wild ones
6.) paethanam - nullifies one's thoughts and leaves them psychologically ill
7.) uchaadanam - establishing shield around self and anyone
8.) maaranam - induce death to a targeted living being

Again, these siddhi's are only attained by adept yogis. By the time they reach this stage, their morality and intelligence is so refined that the possibility of misuse forfeits naturally. Yet, there have been cases of such misuses, when a sadhaka reaches such state through shortcuts, the important thing to know is, every such action inflicts pasya karma (strong and sticking) which not only takes away their siddhis but also puts them back in the backward journey.

Other Siddhis attained on the path... 
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst.
2. Freedom from the effects of heat and cold.
3. Freedom from Raga-Dvesha (likes and dislikes)
4. Doora Darshan, clairvoyance or Dooradrishti. (Remote viewing)
5. Doora Sravan, clairaudience or Doora Sruti and Doora Pravachana. (Remote sensing)
6. Mano-Jaya, control of mind.
7. Kama Rupa: The Yogi can take any form he likes. (Shape-shifting, Morphing)
8. Parakaya Pravesha: He can enter into another body, can animate a dead body and enter into it by transferring his soul.
9. Iccha-Mrityu: Death at his will.
10. Devanam Saha Kreeda and Darshana: Playing with the gods after seeing them.
11. Yatha Sankalpa: Can get whatever he likes.
12. Trikala-Jnana: Knowledge of past, present and future.
13. Advandva: Beyond the pairs of opposites.
14. Vak-Siddhi: Whatever the Yogi predicts will come to pass by the practice of Satya, Prophecy.
15. The Yogi can turn base metal into gold. (Alchemy)
16. Kaya-Vyuha: Taking as many bodies as the Yogi likes to exhaust all his Karmas in one life.
17. Darduri-Siddhi: The jumping power of a frog.
18. Patala-Siddhi: Yogi becomes Lord of desire, destroys sorrows and diseases.
19. They get knowledge of his past life.
20. They get knowledge of the cluster of stars and planets.
21. They get the power of perceiving the Siddhas.
22. They get mastery of the elements (Bhuta Jaya), mastery of Prana (Prana Jaya).
23. Kamachari: (S)He can move to any place he likes. (Bi-location)
24. They get omnipotence and omniscience.
25. Vayu-Siddhi: The Yogi rises in the air and leaves the ground.
26. They can point out the place where a hidden treasure lies.

These are several other categories of spiritually elated individuals. These people are often misunderstood as siddhas.

Sadhus (சாது) are individuals embarked on the spiritual journey. Basically, they acknowledge that the whole world doesn't revolve around them, but they play a minor role in the play of the cosmos.

Yogis (யோகி) are those working with a goal to merge their individual consciousness (soul/jivatma) to the univeral cosmic consciousness (paramatma). They can be doing kriya yoga (asanas, pranayamas, mudras, bandhas), karma yoga (doing their work without attachment), gnyana marga (gathering and reflecting on the knowledge of total consciousness) or the raja yoga (turning inwards, meditating, dhyana and samadhi) or bakthi (complete surrender, accepting everything that comes their way and having fixed their thoughts and feelings on their deity or guru with an unshaken firm attitude). They are all collectively known as yogis, as long as their goal is to merge (yog) their jivatma with paramatma.

Tapasvis (தவசி) are people committed to onerous kriyas, leveraging all the ausadhis (herbs and minerals), constantly purifying their elements (earth, water, fire and air) and performing several rituals. These are people on the fast track toward attainment (the yog - successfully guided the soul to join the cosmos). They need an attained guru's guidance to even practice such things.

Gnyanis (ஞானி) are people attained enlightenment through Gnyana Yoga. Meaning they have experienced samadhi following the path of knowledge. When these gnyanis prefer to take disciples and guide them towards enlightenment, they are called Rishis. Most of the religious preachers and spiritual leaders of the world, claim to be in this categories. Are they true to what they claim, is upto every individual to decide for themselves. I neither acknowledge nor deny their claims.

Munis (முனி) are attained yogis, who choose to be alone and contribute quietly to the universe. They don't take disciples.

All these above mentioned can be living in solitude or living amongst the society. These is no qualms about these people leading a married life, parenting children, their eating habits, health conditions, et al.

Thuravi (துறவி) - Those who leave the organized society and migrate to solitude, often himalayas or other such hills or any sacred place, when their living conditions are overwhelmingly hindering their spiritual journey. Buddha and Mahavira left the society and became Thuravi. They attained their enlightenment and Buddha we all know is the definition of the term Gnyani and Mahavira ended up as Muni. If they ever attained siddhahood is never known.

What differentiates these spiritual people from common man is that they are constantly,
1.) resolving the karmas (கன்மம்). Basically, settling down more karmas than they accumulate everyday.  samskaras (karmic blocks/veils) are released at faster phase.
2.) as a result of the above, their veils of illusion (மாயை) are being constantly torn down.
3.) and their ego (ஆணவம்) is getting dissolved day-by-day.

What differentiates these spiritual people from siddhas are;
1.) Siddhas don't stop at attaining enlightenment.
2.) Siddhas are not distracted with attaining siddhis (superhuman abilities).
3.) Siddhas attain kaya-karpam (காயகற்பம்) - Their body doesn't undergo the usual cell decay.
4.) Siddhas have absolute control over all the physical elements.
5.) Siddhas join the quorum of siddhas and work towards betterment of the universal consciousness.
6.) They would not intervene in the cosmic play, but take up the responsibilities of cosmic flow.

Anyone with the right destiny (prāptam) and on the right path would be surely blessed with a siddha encounter. Till then take this information with salt-n-pepper and keep this page between fiction and superstition in your library.

Diwali (தீபாவளி)

What is Diwali (தீபாவளி)?

Diwali celebration is merited towards slaying if Hiranyakashya, return of rama from 14 years of vanavash, return of pandavas from 13 years of exile, But, the most common story we've all heard on the origin of diwali is slaying of Narakasura by Lord Sri Krishna. To be on same page, here is the most common version, please do pay close attention to the details like the description of characters and the numbers. These hidden in plain-sight clues will be interpreted later which everyone can leverage in betterment of day to day living and the yogis can immensely benefit in their spiritual journey.

1.) Narakasura is a son of Bhumadevi (Mother Earth) and Varaha (boar) Avatar of vishnu. 
2.) He is an asura (demon) king and ruled the Kamarupa kingdom and its capital city was pragjyotisha, surrounded by mystical mountains, utterly inaccessible and impregnable by others.
3.) It is also gaurded by 5-headed asura named Mura, 7 sons of narakasura.
4.) He invaded Bhur Bhuva Svaha, the 3 worlds. These 3 worlds are the earth, underworld a.k.a pishacha-loka (world of spirits) and the heaven a.k.a deva-loka (world of devas, demi-gods).
5.) Attacked Indra (king of devas) and captured the 4-tusked white elephant, gifted to Indra by Bhumadevi.
6.) Imprisoned Varuna and stole the crescent shaped ear ring of Aditi, Mother of all devas.
7.) Captivated 16,000 damsels and imprisoned them at Audaka on the top of the mountain Maniparvata in his kingdom. Narakasura's 10 sons gaurded the damsels.

Indra comes to Krishna and pleads to end Narakasura's tyranny. Since, Narakasura was cursed by Bramha that he'll die in the hands of a woman, Krishna ventures to the capital city of Pragjyotisha on his eagle-man, Garuda along with one of his wives Satyabama. Krishna fights and slays Mura (5-headed demon) the 7 sons gaurding the city and leads Satyabama for the final face-off and slaying of Narakasura. Releases the 16000 damsels, returns the Aditi's earring back and restores order, in the universe.

This story has several intrinsic details about how the rituals practiced during diwali impacts each and every individual. To start with, the author of these stories is Veda Vyasa, the same person who wrote the Bagawat Gita (and Mahabharatha). He is a Siddha, a fully attained yogi and adept in the attama-siddhi's bestowed only upon the very worthy of the meditators. Such a person, is not going to weave a story merely for entertainment. With his Aṇimā siddhi, he can observe the nuances of whats happening inside his body and narrates it as a story so the concepts gets imprinted in everyone who gets to hear it and when some of those individuals reach higher levels of consciousness, the same thought to be fictional stories, serve as a map or milestone to gauge their progress. As a matter of fact, Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Bagawat Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Soundarya Lahari, Skanda Shasti Kavasam, Vinayagar Agaval, Patanjali Stotras, Thirumandhiram, Thirukural, Thirupugazl and several such texts penned down by the siddhas is trying to convey the exact same thing at its core, but from different angles to cater to the varied approach and understanding.

Coming back to the story in hand, The devas and Asuras in any of these mythological stories are the personifications of the good and evil characteristics in every living being.

1.) Narakasura, son of earth and a boar, is the evil traits born of our desires for earthly pleasures and innate animal instincts.
2.) He ruled the kamarupa kingdom, which denotes the self-image and personality evolved out of our desires. This place being surrounded by mystical mountains are the layers of justification we assess to preserve this self-image.
3.) The 5-headed demon, Mura is the 5-senses; Sravana (hearing), Chakshusha (seeing), Jiva (taste), Nasika (sense of smell) and sparsha (touch). These 5 sense are turned outwardly protecting and nourishing these worldly desires.
4.) Invaded the 3 worlds, i.e., the material existence, good and evil nature. We start compromising these 3 aspects defining our personality towards attainment of these kamarupa desires.
5.) Indra's 4-tusked white elephant is the muladhara chakra with 4 petals. Muladhara represents our survival and this is the earthed chakra on which all other chakras function. Indra, Ganesha, Bramha and Darini are the four deities of Muladhara. The elephant symbolism can also be seen in representation of lord Ganesha. the functioning of this chakra and related endocrine glands, mainly the adrenaline glands, are hijacked towards these desires.
6.) The silver crescent shaped earring of Mother Aditi represents the nectar of vishuddhi chakra, the purification center of the 72,000 nadi network. When this is blocked, our ability to discriminate between right and wrong is severely paralyzed.
7.) Captivated 16000 damsels, these are the 16,000 Nadis that carry the pranic current towards spiritual evolution, in simple terms, that drives us towards actual manifestation of every individual. So, out of 72,000 nadis, 16,000 are blocked and we end up functioning only with the remaining 56,000 nadis, that are responsible for our day to day activities. When scientists says we are using only 5-10% of our brain, it is closely related to these dormant vital 16,000 nadis. Imprisoned in Maniparvata kingdom gaurded by 10 gaurds denotes the Manipura chakra with 10 petals, denoting the 10 pranas (Prāṇa, Apāna, Uḍāna, Samāna, Vyāna, Naaga, Koorma, Kirukara, Devadhatha, Dhanajaya).

Krishna, the yogi, traveling on garuda, the prana, with his 2nd wife Satyabama, the Ida nadi (breath from left nostril) enters muladhara, defeats 5-headed demon Mura, i.e., with strong determination, recoils from the pull of 5-senses. This phenomenon is also knows as pratyahara in ashta-anga yoga and also hails over 7 sons, retakes the control of sapta dhātu and leads satyabama, directs the cool prana via ida nadi into muladhara chakra and defeats Narakasura, stimulates the dormant kundalini shakthi to rise upwards. This Kundalini energy is the one that activates the ever dormant (since birth) 16,000 nadis. Along with these 16,000 nadis, there are 108 primary nadis, which are life vital and are explained in  detail in varma, and acupuncture. These nadis are collective called as 16108 wives of krishna. There is one other krishna has always been fond of, but not his wife, Radha, Sushumana Nadi. Restore the functioning of vishuddi chakra, the nadi purification center, with recovering the silver crescent moon shaped ear-ring of mother of devas, Aditi.

These details might sound very normal to someone in yogic path and well versed in the related books and artifacts, but strike as absolute bizarre and meaningless to someone who is hearing these words like nadis, chakras for the first time. Irrespective of it, take it with an open-mind and by chance if meditation descends on you, this will serve as a blueprint of what is happening and where it is leading you.

There is also an astrological significance as these days being the time of full debilitation of the sun in the whole year, meaning sun is exerting its least power and no moon day, meaning moon is at its least power at the same time. Hence a small window opens for a yogi, to get off the clutches of sun and moon's pull and evolve to higher realms. It doesn't mean one has to be a avid meditator to reap the benefits. Call it being in the right place at right time, anyone can leverage this window of opportunity to nitro-boost into a better state of anything deserved, be it level of creativity, wealth, social status, long pending goals, spiritual attainment, et al.

Coming to the rituals and meanings behind the fesitval, typically, Diwali is celebrated for 5 days.

Day 1 (in 2016, it is on 28th Oct)Dhanwantari Triodashi - Reevaluating perspective on Health

“shareeram aadyam khalu dharma saadhanam” (body is the best means for practising dharma)

This day is celebrated in adoration of Dhanwantari, Lord of Medicine for the devatas and originator of Ayurveda science. This is day for re-evaluating the perspective on health accumulated by any means. In the modern times, the sources are ample and the crisis is not the lack of information, but the right knowledge is piled over with too much unnecessary diversions. With the current level of our understanding and intelligence, this is the day to contemplate and discriminate between necessary and unnecessary advices on healthy living and take a vow to make necessary adjustments going forward.

Day 2 (29th Oct 2016): Naraka Chaturdashi - Detox physically and mentally

This is the day commonly celebrated as Diwali in southern regions of india.

“tena tyaktena bhunjeetaah” (this life can be enjoyed when detachment comes) – Isha Upanishad

The body has to be prepared for the energy burst that'll happen when 16,000 dormant nadis get activated. Hence on this day, people often get a rigid massage with the rightly prepared oil (Sesame seed oil, soaked with peppercorn and beetle leaves and warmed under sunlight) for 24 to 48 minutes and shower before sunrise. This is to activate the Ida Nadi. When the body is cooled down before the sunrise, the Ida Nadi become hyperactive, which facilities the flow of prana into Mooladhara chakra. Again, avid meditators should be able to experience this effortlessly. Any of the pranayama techniques like sudharsana kriya, shambavi mudra, naadi shodhana, kabalapathi, bastrika, sukha swasam, and so on will be more beneficial on this day.

Day 3 (30th Oct 2016): Aswayuja Amavasya - Renewal of Goals (Lakshya)

This is the day commonly celebrated as Diwali in northern regions of india.

This day is also known as Lakshmi Amavasya and is considered the jamadhin (birthday) of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth. The mind (moon) searches for the purpose of life (sun) and it tries to fix the goal (libra) due to the exact conjunction of sun/moon in libra that happens once a year on this day. This is commonly recommended for starting new business ventures.

Day 4 (31th Oct 2016): Govardhanpuja Pradhamai - Reassure the sense of being protected

"na me bhaktah pranashyati” (My devotees are never destroyed) - Bagawat Gita

Krishana lifted govadhan mountain to protect the people from the deluge of rain. When almighty (god/nature/conciousness/beyond/universe/unknown…call it whatever suits you) becomes the focus, all obstructions, sufferings, troubles come to an end. Meditating on realizing the effect of the surroundings on us and reassuring the sense of being protected by the universe is the theme of the day. Its a simple logic, we are here, as the universe intends to, if it doens't need us, we'll be wiped out in a blink of an eye.

Day 5 (1st Nov 2016): BhaiyaDooj Dwitiyai - Acknowledgement of sibling bond.
This is the time to rejoice the love, friendliness and harmony of co-existence. As per puranas, Yama, the Lord of Death has assured that he would not bother those mortals who spread the message of love to their brothers and sisters. A perfect harmony leads to moksha, the ultimate liberation. This 5th day is also the commencement of Shashti Viratham, another 6 days of fasting and rituals in honor of Lord Muruga (karithikeya, Skanda) which culminates as Soorasamharam (5th Nov 2016), we'll save this story for another day.

Thus this ‘Five-day Festival’ of Diwali traces the spiritual expansion of human growth culminating in the gaining of knowledge of beyond. It offers an opportunity to dive deep into one’s heart and search for all types of demonic qualities residing inside. Thus, the need is felt to clear the darkness from the heart. To dispel away the internal darkness we have to light the lamp of knowledge. When a lamp is lit on Diwali, just pray to your chosen ideal that the darkness of ignorance be removed from your heart.

With this understanding, reciting this Shanti Mantra (incantation of peace) at the start and end of the day, at the least on these 5 days, will bring a great sense of peace in everyone.

From Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (1.3.28);
asato mā sadgamaya
tamasomā jyotir gamaya
mrityormāamritam gamaya
Oṁ śhānti śhānti śhāntiḥ

From ignorance, lead me to truth;
From darkness, lead me to light;
From death, lead me to immortality
Om peace, peace, peace

Yoga: 9. Kundalini (Chakras or Endocrine Glands?)

“tvastu sāṁye citta bhedāt tayor vibhakttaḥ panthāḥ"
 - Patanjali
The world of matter is entirely neutral and homogeneous. The differences like good/evil, beauty/ugliness are sheer perceptions oriented towards measly goals.

Kundalini refers to coiled serpent at the base of the spine. As Sigmond Freud said, sexual energy is the source of all energies in mankind, which is partially agreeable. The serpent of kundalini represents this coiled up energy, which is source of all the energies of mankind. 

When this energy is dormant at the perineum, the base of spine (mooladhara), survival becomes the primary concern of the individual. When it starts rising up to the sacral region (svadishthana), the person becomes a pleasure seeker. When it hits the navel region (manipura), he/she starts expressing, doing things either to accumulate wealth or seeking social uplift. When it raises to the heart region (anahata), he/she grows compassion. Throat region (vishuddhi) activates clarity and the flow of creativity. When it reaches the region between the eyebrows (ajna), the region of pituitary gland, it unravels the higher levels of consciousness and intuitiveness. Finally, the much harder to reach point, the crown of the head (sahasrara), one attains enlightenment, siddhahood, in common terms, the ultimate possibility of a mankind.
Kundalini Chakra Endocrine Gland Life Aspect
Muladhara Adrenal Glands Surivial Instinct
Svadishthana Testis/Ovaries Reproductivity and desires
Manipura Pancreas Digesion, Energy and Drive
Anahata Thymus Gland Temperature & Compassion
Vishuddhi Thyroid Gland Growth and Creativity
Ajna Pituitary Gland Master Switch for all glands
Sahasrara (Thuriyam) Pineal Gland Beyond our comprehension
Kundalini can be awakened;
by Pranayama, Asanas and Mudras - Hatha Yogis;
by concentration and training of the mind - Raja (Kriya) Yogis;
by devotion and perfect self surrender - Bhaktas;
by analytical contemplation and sheer will - Jnani (ஞானி) Yogis;
by Mantras - Tantrikas;
by the grace of the Guru (Guru Kripa) through touch, sight or mere sankalpa of a right Guru.

Rousing of kundalini and its union with siva at the sahasrara chakra is the state of samadhi and it leads towards one's mukti (liberation). State of samadhi is made possible only by awakening the kundalini.

As soon as it is awakened, it pierces the muladhara chakra (Bheda). It should be taken to sahasrara through various chakras. When kundalini is at one chakra, intense heat is felt there and when it leaves that centre for another chakra, the former chakra becomes very cold and appears lifeless. After kundalini reaches the ajna(ஆக்ஞை) charka region, prana passes upwards through brahma nadi. Hatha yogis take it up to sahasrara chakra through some special exercises such as mahabheda and sakti chalana. At this point, it is merely the mind power, determination and all the siddhis attained so far is needed to take it to sahasrara chakra.

When there is throbbing in muladhara, when hairs stand on their roots, when uddiyana, jalandhara and mulabandha come involuntarily, these are the indications that kundalini has awakened.

Need and the benefits of kundalini awakening for the yogi;
- You get vastly increased energy levels for daily living and to progress in the sadhana
- Your entire energy system grows and expands. You become able to process more psychic energy and abilities awaken.
- Our samskaras (karmic blocks/veils) get released fast. These issues are what’s blocking your psychic development, life and death cycle.

Awakening kundalini releases abundant energy. Body and mind needs to be prepared to handle such energies. Hence the 8-fold path of hatha-yoga is emphasized. The first four steps of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama is foundation to handle these energy bursts during the later stages of pratyahara, dharana, dyana, samadhi.