Purpose of an uttered word is: "to be comprehended". Comprehension triggers emotion. Deeper the cognitive grasp, stronger the emotion. 

Powerful words are driven to semantic satiation due to the daily wear and tear and sometimes intentional overloading by the media. The word Love tops that list, closely followed by ego, soul, gratitude and trust. This over usage and smearing with varied meaning leads to shallow comprehension resulting in dim emotion.

The word Love has suffered the maximum saturation due to its common usage, as superlative of like
"I love this coffee"
"I love you"
"I love my children"
"I love to travel"
"I love how it feels"
In all these statements, the word love has a very different meaning. It has mutated to a point that original essense is fully forgotten, neither triggering the emotion nor infecting the listener.

What is the opposite of Love? 
The robotic answer is “Hate”. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll realize thats not true. We often hate certain aspects of the same things that we love. So, hate is just another independent expression, it can very well sit along with love. So is fear, desire, pride. They are all distinct emotions.
Love is when we acknowledge something is more important than ourself
Such anti-narcissistic tendencies bloom when we adore or admire what we cognized. Exploration and wide range of experiences help discover, stumble upon and cultivate love within.

Love is an emotion. Biology binds its with corresponding hormones. Not just infamous oxytocin and the lust related harmones, but several other haormones can be released when the emotion of love sets in. It depends on how the individual finds an expression. The purpose of educating self and social upliftment is to refine those expressions

Love has full access to the whole spectrum of expressions. Depending on the evolutionary stage of the lover, it finds its expression.
No Love
Vindictive, envious and cynical attitude is a barren land that cannot germinate Love.

Draining Love
At it’s lowest level, Love is expressed as apathy, guilt and shame. When you are yearning for that something important, facing a failure, unable to face that loved entity; these are all your conscience related. lack of self-love and undetermined self-value drives people into these human invented deterrents. These are the biggest energy drainers of human consciousness.

A little better, but still energy-draining expressions are fear, desire and pride. The energy drain can be contagious and may affect that loved entity as well.
- When you fear for the safety of that object of affection, there is love behind it.
- When you desire something and all your attempts to attract and gain attention, is backed by love. When you lust over someone, it is still an expression of love, but a crude energy-draining expression.
- Love is expressed as pride when trying to seek admiration from that object of affection.

Energy Neutral Love
Expression of Love attains energy neutrality, when it is expressed as; care, adore and admiration. The expelled energy directly inflames the receiver. 
- When you care to go out of your way to comfort an entity (car, dog, person, phone, shoe, et al)
- Showing respect and praising others
is accompanied by briefly droping your ego (self-importance). During such brief moment, an enormous burden of constantly carrying the ego and switching personas is suspended curtailing the corresponding dissipation of energy. A great sense of relief is experienced.

+EV love
Energy gain occurs when love is expressed as bond and trust. Subject doesn’t lose energy anymore, but the receiver briefly plugs into infinite source of energy. 

When you establish a bond with that loved one, it clinches that you are there. Your presence eases their agitation, enables to be their best version, enables them to fantasize freely and bends their time-space continuum.

Trust is yet another abraded word from overuse. Expecting someone to behave in a certain way in a random situation, is sheerly an expectation, profiling and stereo-typing. It has nothing to do with trust. Trust establishes and exists only between the two entitites involved. There is no room for a third variable in trust.
"I trusted you with my car!"
"How could you steal my money? i trusted you."
"I trust your gut feeling"
are all vague statements made without understanding the crux of the word “trust”. All these statements brings in a 3rd variable. A daughter taking that leep of faith and jumping in deep water, because the father is there, is trust. If the daughter eyes for life-jacket, the third variable, there is no room for trust.

People evolve in trusting environment. If you are not seeking evolution, trusting environment is not your essential need. For all others, trusting environment serves as a launchpad.

If you can trust a person, it is the most beneficial expression of love for the receiver. It enables them to take risks and attempt reach goals that they would typically dodge.

The higest form of expressing love is devotion. Subject directly plugs into the infinite source of energy.
Trust plugs that trusted other, into infinite source of energy. Devotion plugs self directly
Totally devoting to the object to a point, that subject (you) vanishes. This is totally egoless (self-identity) state. A deserving object of devotion and innate devoting tendency makes such a magical phenomenon possible. Don't fool yourself with uttering prayers and performing rituals as devotion. Unless your self-identity vanish, the devotion hasn't crystallized.

Again, What is opposite of love? 
It is pretend love. It is true for all emotions. All emotions fork from singularity. Courage is not opposite of fear. True courage vs pretended courage. True fear vs feigning fear. So, opposite of any emotion is the pretense of the same emotion. 

Every emotion is short-lived. harmone release cannot sustain more than few seconds. The uttered “i love you” has expired already. Hence, the innate urge to verbalize it again and again.

Beyond Love
Authenticity, in emotion is necessary to break the cycles of repeating life patterns. Decades of studying and practicing manners has overtaken the authenticity in expression. Only fools are fooled by forged demeanors. Authentic beings can sense the lacking in spurious smile from yards away.

So it doesn't matter what your expression is, it could be the uncouth jealousy or selfless care; strive to express it as authentically as possible. That authenticity will level you up automatically.

Authenticity uplifts your vibrating frequency.
Authenticity stands above all emotions and their forms of expression. 
Authenticity compels you to respond spontaneously, not react from conditioned habits.

To level up within the matrix or to attempt exiting the matrix, authenticity is the neo.