ஏன் ஏழு தலைமுறை?

சுக்லதாதுவில் 84 அம்சங்கள் உள்ளன.
தந்தை, தாய் உணவால் உருவாகுவது :28 (33.000%) 
  2. தந்தையிடமிருந்து              :21  (25.000%) 
  3. பாட்டனிடமிருந்து              :15  (17.857%) 
  4. முப்பாட்டனிடமிருந்து        :10  (11.904%)
  5. 4 வது பாட்டனிடமிருந்து    :6    (7.142%)
  6. 5 வது பாட்டனிடமிருந்து    :3    (3.571%)
  7. 6 வது மூதாதையிடமிருந்து :1    (1.190%)
ஆக மொத்தம் 84. சுக்லதாதுவில் உண்டாகும் இந்த ஏழு பதிவுகளே ஏழு தலைமுறைகள் எனப்படுகின்றன.
Significance of 7 Generations

Genes have 84 attributes.
  1. Food of the Parents:  28 (33.000%)
  2. From Father            :  21 (25.000%)
  3. From His Father      :  15 (17.857%)
  4. From His Father      :  10 (11.904%)
  5. From His Father      :  6   (7.142%)
  6. From His Father      :  3   (3.571%)
  7. From His Father      : 1    (1.190%) 

A Total of 84. Hence 7 generations was insisted often and a son was said to carry the Lineage.

What it means to us?
Great Law of the Iroquois holds appropriate to think seven generations ahead and decide whether the decisions they make today would benefit their children seven generations into the future. The exact statement is emphasized in all the mature civilizations of the world.

What we think, eat, learn, practice and how we live affects seven generations directly. While the appearance, built and adaptability is commonly credited to genetics, Genes also have a strong influence on natural abilities, eating habits and interests of a person. Instead of bequeathing our desires to our children, lets pass on some good health, habits, interests and skill-set directly by the up bringing and indirectly through the genes.

Lets not repeat these mistakes...
Caste Obsession: In eastern countries, it was a common practice for children to get into the occupation of their ancestors. They would instinctively know how to succeed in that. But, the civilizations failed to account for the fact that there will always be a small percentage of exceptions. The lifestyle and occupation, from being a mere choice of a person, had turned into enforcement and it is human nature to resist any form of enforcement and the whole system is collapsing.

Sons carry on the Lineage: Kings, scholars, very sophisticated farmers, ranchers had spent years learning and practicing several things beneficial to the humanity to co-exist in harmony with nature. They were wise enough to know that it would take several generations to refine and master it. So they were persistent on having a son to continue their quest. This turned into an obsession with the masses and for over few millennia resulted in a large scale female infanticide. Of course, there were several other rationalizations derived for this, but their innate desire for having a son roots back to this gene theory. In the current times, a vast majority don't plan for more than a weekend and it is safe to say that there is not much to carry forward for even a single generation. what is the need for carrying forward a lineage?

Suffocating the Children: If a child is not good at math, it is not his/her cup of tea. Children have abundance of energy and we all know that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but only be transformed. Redirecting it into something creative is the way to go. Their abundant energy will constantly divert them from all activities. But they've found it when you see your children do something with undivided attention like painting, singing, dancing or any sport. In general, any activity that keeps them in the moment without pondering over the past or wondering about future. The ambitious mind of the parents immediately jumps on it and suffocates the child to pursue it for fame and wealth. It doesn't matter what the intention is, when something is forced, humans retaliate. Finding this creative path is utterly important as the energy needs to be channeled, else it takes undesired course. It is said that, Hitler wanted to be a painter. But his application to the university got rejected and you know what happened.