पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं
पुनरपि जननीजठरे शयनम् - Adi Shankaracharya
(born again, dead again,
sleep in the mother’s womb, one more time!)
Karma - by definition has neither negative nor positive shade to it. It literally translates to "action". Every action triggers a chain of responses. This action-reaction(s) is commonly termed as law of causation. When this reaction is favorable, we classify the action as good karma. What is favorable keeps changing with time, place and surroundings. Igniting a log (action) expels heat (reaction). It is a pleasant reaction during sunset in Anchorage, but cringeworthy on a midday in Maui.
Like in the story of Adam and Eve, every being is enlightened in the beginning, garden of eden. One small action of eating the fruit from forbidden tree triggered the reaction of craving for sensual pleasure. Consequently, We react again and so on. All the cultures that stood the test of time, believe this chain of causation to be the reason for the repeated birth and death cycle. Also the reason for the changing seasons of joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, good and evil within every individual.
Question; If everyone was enlightened, what triggered the first action and why? Answer to this is much debated for aeons, i don't think our pitching in is going to make any difference. Lets leave it for every individual to discover in their own. Whatever the reason is, it is indeed a cosmic play, like throwing a boomerang in sky. Boomerang can swing around and eventually ends up where it started. The distance it travels depends on the initial thrust and intermediate amplifications.
As long as one rejoices the flight, its best to keep flying. Hell and Heaven are the objectification of the reactions. All deeds will boost the flight, contrary to the beliefs that good deeds will take you to salvation. There is nothing called a good-deed, its just deed.
Once one realizes it is nothing but recurring patterns of same things in different shades and decide to roost, stop triggering any more actions. All the past actions and their reactions has to be endured without triggering more reactions, This is not an easy feat. Years and years of conditioning will provoke one to respond. Once it is all settled, it'll eventually lead one back into the paradise.
Labels:Purpose, Esoteric, Science life