மருந்தென வேண்டாவாம் யாக்கைக்கு அருந்தியது 
அற்றது போற்றி உணின். -திருவள்ளுவர்

(No medicine is necessary for them who eat after assuring that already eaten is fully digested)

Matter is made of 5 elements. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Earth under and Space above is persistent. Air, Fire and Water are the transient elements that causes the fluctuations in health. Ayurveda classified it as Vaatha (Air), Pitha (Fire) and Kapha (Water) Doshas (imbalances). Restoring this balance is the main motive of a real ayurvedic treatment. The symptom could be migraine or cancer, only the body can cure itself. Role of a real medicine (औषडि - herbs) is just to eliminate these hurdles (doshas).

Ideal Vatha, Pitha, Kapha ratio in a human body is 1:2:4. This is always a pursuit and all of us will have one of two doshas overpowering other. When this balance is shaken beyond threshold, it is called a dis-ease.

When Vatha (air) increases in a body, it results in involuntary movements, spasms like Parkinsons, epilepsy. When it decreases it results in seizure of movements like ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. In general, all the vayu (air) related problems like gastic problems are due to vatha dosha.

When Pitha (fire) is in excess; weight loss, malnutrition, fever, vomiting, diarrhea all such increased temperature related problems occur.

When Kapha (water) is in excess; weight gains, lethargy, mucous related diseases like sinus, cold, bronchitis, congestion occur commonly.

In general, Vatha prominent people prefer sweet tasting food, light-sleepers - don't prefer mid day naps. Pitha people body temperature are always few degrees warmer, easy to throw-up, mid-day nappers. Kapha people have thicker tongues, cooler body temperature, excess sweating, easy to catch cold. These doshas are not permanent identities. It changes with age, location and change in life-style. It is often seen in combination as vatha-pitta, vatha-kapha, but not pitha and kabha as they are mutually exclusive.

When any source blindly suggests eat this, avoid that, do this, don't be too soon to follow. Analyze at the root level, what change would it bring. A pitha prominent person doesn't need any more cardio routine and you'll see them naturally repel it. Kapha prominent person don't need the hydration routine commonly suggested.

Right Breathing (Air), Activities (Fire) and Intake (Water) can always stabilize the elemental balance in the body. There is no general blanket formula to know what is that right for your body. Every individual is unique and hence their breathing, activities and intake has to be so too. Healthy person can find what suits and not by trial-n-error. For others, investing time and learning more about it is the better alternative before seeking any expert advice.