மனமது செம்மையானால் மந்திரம் செபிக்க வேண்டாம் - அகத்தியர்
Irrespective of such numerous manifestations, all forms of communication happen as waves. May it be sound, light, electron, magnetic or etherial; the core characteristics is that of a wave and is defined and categorized by amplitude and frequency. The frequency is essential in tuning the entities communicating. Amplitude decides the intensity of the wave.
Light waves between 400THz to 800THz is just a small spectrum of light that is visible to naked eye. All the light waves below 400THz is classified as infrared and the light waves over 800THz are called ultraviolet. The process of creation and destruction happens in infrared and ultraviolet zones while the nourishment in visible spectrum.
Sound waves of between 20Hz and 20KHz are audible. Sound below 20Hz is infrasonic and over 20KHz are ultrasonic. As in light, All the important processes and communication related to creation, like child forming tissues within the womb happens in Infrasonic sounds and destruction in ultrasonic ranges. Heard of tibetans moving multi-ton boulders with whistles?
Similarly, we can sense only a tiny spectrum of communication happening in and around us. hand to eye communication is through the neurons, people to people communication is with words, drawings & gestures. Remote communication is ever evolving at a drastic phase from pigeons, postal letters, radio waves, Infrared rays to enormous artificial satellites revolving around several planetary objects.
We can observe the impact of moon in our oceans and in our neural network; like the effect of solar energy and photosynthesis. Similarly, every other planet in solar system exerts influence on some aspect on every other celestial object, including earth. Beyond the solar system, the constellations have bigger significance on much more subtler aspects.
Humans and animals need gestures to communicate until a common language is established. From a common language, we can improvise secured communication with different way of cryptography. We have already broken the space and time constraint with the help of tele-communication and ability to record and telecast at-will. We've also tapped on the unseen (infra-red/ultra-violet) and unheard (infra/ultra-sonic) and experiment swift ways to communicate.
In all these cases, its just the mediums that kept evolving, but the principles are exactly same. Tune the transmitter and receiver to a specific frequency, calibrate the amplitude and transmit; receive & acknowledge.
Our endocrine glands, widely known as chakras (translates to "wheels") are much superior communicators. They are constantly vibrating in specific frequencies, exhibiting the light and sound for their corresponding frequency. Kirlian photography has captured several samples and shed light on this chakras. Visualizing specific shapes (yantras) and emulating certain sounds (mantras), the vibrating frequencies of these glands can be calibrated. Harmones are the byproduct or the result of the right tuning.
A long legacy of sages documented these visual patterns and sounds; practiced with total trust and attained mastery over managing a lot more unexplored channels of communication at both atomic and cosmic levels. The commoners were astonished witnessing their abilities and followed their advices and methods without any iota of doubt or disbelief. It is not the case anymore. We, people of current times are not as gullible and have our doubts about such methods.
Hence, we'll have to emulate what those sages did, tapas (தவம்), to experiment, realize and if possible to document in a way that current generation can infer. There are ample scriptures with all the possible information. We are not going to invent anything, but a mere rediscovery. Just translating what those sages said will not be of much use to others. We can use the scriptures as our guide, but what we document should be personal experience and realization.
If we attain the ability to tune our own endocrine glands at will, we would have the complete mastery over our bodily functions, harmone secretion, emotional state, growth, healing, hunger, thrist and sleep cycle. Which are all the traits of a divine sage as per our scriptures.
The key lies in the ability to communicate without any physical medium or leveraging what is referred as dark matter. Its not that its not happening within and around us. How else can one justify telepathy, premonition and intuition? albeit, it hasn't been established as a reliable form yet. It is just the matter of time before the reliable methods are established and people choosing at will like changing channels today.
After all, tele-communication was a fiction till 1800s and telecasting was considered a miracle till 1900s.