We grow up augmenting a long list of verbs and nouns re-classifying them as good and evil based on our experiences. Such list keeps getting compromised with even a small change in context, place, time and sometimes the result.

Is sugar really bad? Isn't it the source of energy and essential for the survival. How about television? Isn't it the biggest influencer of economy, innovation, globalization and the entertainment of our generation. Anger, jealousy, guilt, shame and fear serve good in several situations; Compassion, Love, trust, honesty and valor have all caused much harm at times. The common layman response for this is; everything is good in moderation. Not really. There are several things that are not good in any dose like potassium cyanide and there are things that are infinitely good like wild honey. So this whole outward approach of classification of right and wrong deeds is fallible and boundless.

Understanding the natural state of what we deem as ourselves is essential before trying to segregate the deeds as noble and stigma.

Body is naturally created to self-sustain with robust health. All the nutrition a human body needs is abundantly available in natural habitats where humans co-exist in harmony with nature. Basically the places that are not yet ravaged in the name of civilization. The distractions in the form of thoughts and emotions are hindering the body from ingesting the necessary nutrients from the environment and from the intake of naturally grown substances.

Everything that leads towards the preservation and betterment of health is a noble deedDiscipline (ஒழுக்கம்) is the essential trait. Every other health aspect like diet, herbs, disinfectant, workout, breathing techniques and service has to channel through this trait called "discipline" to drive the body to robust health. Neither the fitness level nor the medical report can vouch for how healthy a body is. Joy is the natural response. Body language exhibiting happiness, all the cells bouncing in joy and contagious jubilant attitude are the reliable symptoms of a healthy body.

Mind is the stream of thoughts. Ironically, it's sheer working disrupts its natural state, serenity. Our infinite stream of thoughts emerge from abundantly accumulated incomplete transactions. Every-time the emotion and action are in conflict, an incomplete transaction is logged in the mind. For example; we were angry, yet we suppressed and smiled. This one incomplete transaction was struck and keeps generating stream of thoughts throughout the lifetime, until it is identified and weeded out. Hence, digging in such incomplete transactions and closing the circuit is the best way to get the mind back to natural serene state. This circuit-closure is the deemed essential outcome of meditation, introspection, yogic practices, religious rituals.

Everything that leads towards the tranquility of the mind is a noble deedGratitude (நன்றியுணர்வு) and Absolution (மன்னிப்பு) are the two most effective devices in getting back the serene mind. Everyone of us were born with serene mind. If anybody doubt that, watch a sleeping infant. Bringing up all the pleasures and expressing the gratitude for it will relieve us from the any from of guilt that might have been linked to it. In the same way, total absolution and forgiving every single rub that caused any pain will empower the self and clear a major chunk of these incomplete transactions.

This may take several days, based on the accumulation and intensity of the pain/pleasure the individual has experienced so far. Once the cloud starts clearing, unanimously they'll exhibit abundant love towards existence and other beings. Love and care for others is the symptom of a serene mind.

Soul (புருடன்), though its existence is not experienced by a vast majority, the rare ones that experienced are trustworthy and their traits and virtues are absolutely conspicuous transcending the space and time constraints. Soul is said to be in a blissful state (ஆனந்தமயம்) and unlike mind and body, it is untouched by any of the humanly deeds.

Everything that leads towards experiencing the blissful state of soul is a noble deed. Mind serves as an abstraction and keep us from experiencing or realizing the blissful state of the soul. Absolute Devotion (சரணாகதி), irrespective of the object of devotion, is the way to bypass the mind's abstraction and experience the blissful nature of the soul. People who cracked this code have exhibited the highest degree of compassion. A compassionate person is one who goes through the same degree of pain in full empathy of an absolute stranger in agony. There are several references of such a person taking drastic actions to relieve the other, even at the cost of self.

Healthy body, tranquil mind, blissful soul are the natural states. These are the only three things worth pursuing with our thoughts and actions.
- preservation and betterment of health
- tranquility of the mind
- experiencing the blissful state of soul

Everything that lead us towards these three natural states are noble deeds and the things against are culpable stigmata.