We have diverse perspectives, marching towards myriad goals. Despite that, one common phenomena ingrained in all of us is; our strive for evolution.
- access to resources
- societal stature
- physical strength
- freedom
We strive to continously improve upon these four aspects, irrespective of our diverse paths. How do we measure the progress? One reliable unit is: our influence.
Influence is the measure of impact exerted by our act/word/thought. When your gesture can mobilize an army, a word can disposition billions of dollars in the stock market and your sheer thought can transform the life of a person, consider youself highly influential.
In some way, every contibuting member of the society, continues to exert their influence on others and impacted by the influence of others. Influence is a tridirectional force, like a drone's flight path.
In the space-time continuum, how far your influence transcends, the distance in miles; and how long the impact amortizes, in the unit of time, decides the length of your influence.
Spread - How wide does the influence sustain?
How many people does your decision affect? how much resources does it mobilize? how many times you can repeat the same without dissipating the intensity of your influence are all the measure of how wide you influence can disperse.
Depth - How deep our influence can penetrate?
How deep your actions affect someone, does your words trigger deeper emotions, if your penetrating eyes create a psychological shift in others, all these measure the depth of your influence.
By improving the influence in any one of these aspects, we already promoted ourselves. The designation (social stature), paycheck (financial disposition) and access to resources are bound to catch-up. This is perpetual growth, that cannot be shaken by seasonal storms.
If by chance, one gets promoted and the role doesn't reflect the responsibilites and the deemed influence is lacking, the botching and eventual dissatifaction is inevitable. If you seek promotion for a bigger paycheck, but your influence doesn't justify it, you'll be on top of the list, when the institution decides to downsize.
Instead of striving for the byproducts like designation, monetary benefits and societal endorsements, rechannel those energies into introspection; secluding yourself for few hours a week, uninfluenced by the cicumstances, trying to understanding what you actually need and focusing on developing either the reach, spread or depth of your influence. Thus, success, promotion, elevation in stature and the evolution naturally follows.

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